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Discussion Utilizaire:Amnon s

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שלום אמנון I a un prototip de traductor automatic catalan-aranés (varietat del dialècte gascon de la lenga occitana): Coralament, Hegibeltz 25 de set de 2007 a 10:05 (UTC)

Adieu, Hi Amnon[Modificar lo còdi]

I have just happened to read your post a moment ago and I will be glad to help you in providing some information about the Occitan issue if my knowledge and opinions might be interesting to you. You can write your questions or issues to my email:
My name is Claudi Balaguer, a.k.a. Capsot here.
Best wishes from Northern Catalonia, I hope you can tell us more about your country by writing some articles. Capsot 25 de set de 2007 a 16:17 (UTC)

Adieu Amnon! As fach una revirada fòrça polita. Ieu usi sempre lo traductor automatic per tal de redigir d'articles, qu'apuèi en adapti al dialècte lengadocian, amb l'ajuda d'autres wikipedians que fan de correccions als meteisses articles. Coralament, Hegibeltz 25 de set de 2007 a 19:19 (UTC)

Dear Amnon, sorry for replying so lately. I can suggest a couple of ideas that are strictly personal and that may o may not be shared with others users of this wikipedia.

With respect to Occitan I would emphasize (as it is often the case): _Its literature is a 1000 years old (withouht interruption through medieval, Renaissance, baroque, classical, romanticism, and the XXth century eras). _One Occitan authors received the Nobel Price (Mistral, of course). _Its Western dialects (gascon/bearnais) have been politically used in the Gascon-British Aquitaine (until the XVth century), in Bearn's administration, in Navarre's administration (despite he fact that Navarre is out of the Occitan speaking aera) and in the Basc province of Soule (ruled by Bearn). _It is spoken in three countries (France, Spain and Italy; and its official in the two latters). _Paradoxically, there has never been anything like an Occitan state. Separated (and very small) parts of Occitania have been independent in modern times though : Bearn, Marseille.

This means that is the language (and a common fight against French administration when it represents a threat to the language) that really defines Occitan's common identity. Occitania gathers many diferent and strong regional identities. Of course, the existence of a common language means that many other things have been shared throught centuries between the diferent people living within the Occitan aera.

Despite these facts, French people may completly ignore, very often, Occitania's existence. On the other hand, French people do know that there are other regional identites in France, such as Brittany and the Basc Country. Even among people sharing some kind of interests for Occitan language, many would simply ignore that between the troubadours and 1850, there is an important literary corpus.

My family used Occitan in Bearn for every legal act (contracts, mariages, debts, acquisitions) untill the end of the XVIIIth century (although, French was also used from time to time). At the end of the XIX century, many neighbourgs and relatives emigrated. Sometimes to California, but generally to Argentina when they used to practice Occitan when they meet again. Among elderly people Occitan was used until the 60s in Argentina. As a child I heard old Occitan speaker in France but I really started to acquire the language once I studied it, with books.

I hope this might help,

Good luck,


Eric --Lembeye 12 d'oct de 2007 a 15:17 (UTC)

תראה, אני לא נח לרגע:

--Amir E. Aharoni 11 d'agost 2008 a 16:42 (UTC)

ראיתי, שאפו!
כהרגלי, אני משיב לך במקום שבו החלה השיחה, למרות שבויקיפדיה הזאת נוהגים משום מה לעבור מדף לדף...
עלה והצלח בכל מעשיך, Amnon s 12 d'agost 2008 a 08:09 (UTC)